About Us

What We Believe

With over 100 years’ expertise, tailoring our products to ensure you have the best possible ‘on the go’ food and drink experience, we at Thermos® want to make sure we stay true to our heritage. We’re about friendship, reliability and trust - when it comes to quality and design, we don’t compromise, when you choose our products, we want you to feel exactly the same authentic Thermos brand experience time and time again.

Our Heritage

It all started in 1892 when Scottish scientist Sir James Dewar invented the vacuum flask though his work in cryogenics. It wasn’t until 1904 with realisation that this technology could be used commercially that Thermos was born. The Thermos name is derived from Thérmé which means heat in Greek.


Our Technology

As the first company to develop consumer products using vacuum insulation technology, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative, high performance products. We have two goals – to keep hot things hot and cold things cold. Through extensive research and stringent technology tests, we aim to deliver the best in vacuum insulated products.


Our Philosophy

At Thermos our philosophy is simple – we strive for the best. Having created the world’s first everyday use vacuum flask over 100 years ago, we don’t over complicate things.  We just look to ensure that you have the best quality products that continue to deliver to your expectations. Stay hot. Stay cool.



Our whole focus is to be able to provide reusable drink and food products. We completely support the cause to eliminate the use of single use plastics and we are committed to minimising our packaging and waste, and reducing our carbon footprint.


Charitable support

Thermos UK are focused on supporting charities that we feel make an impact in both our local area and wider afield.  We currently support two charities – Simon on the Streets, a Leeds based charity supporting rough sleepers in the Yorkshire area and Unicef (via the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race), saving children’s lives globally.


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